- 2020-10-17
- 2021-04-18
[Keyphrase] “Where are you going?”【キーフレーズ】「どこ行くの?」
”どこ行くの?(Where are you going?)” used in episode #11 is a phrase that is used in session #26 of Cowboy Bebop.(第11話で使われている「どこ行くの?」は、カウボーイビバップ最終話でも使われた言葉。)
The words mentioned in the show.
[Keyword] Mugen | 夢幻
[Keyword] Jin | 仁
[Keyword] Fuu | 風
[Keyword] Pinwheel/Windmill | 風車
[Keyword] Sunflower | 向日葵
[Four-character Idiom] Shippū Dotō | 疾風怒濤
[Keyphrase] “You’d understand it, right?” |「分かるよな?」
[Four-character Idiom] Hyakki Yakō | 百鬼夜行
[Four-character Idiom] Ishin Denshin | 以心伝心
[Four-character Idiom] Ishin Denshin | 以心伝心
[Keyphrase] “Your shoulders should not get cold.”「肩が冷えるといけねえ」
[Four-character Idiom] Baji Tōfū | 馬耳東風
[Four-character Idiom] Sekimō Ijin | 赤毛異人
[Four-character Idiom] Shimen Soka | 四面楚歌
[Four-character Idiom] Yuiga Dokuson | 唯我独尊
[Four-character Idiom] Chimi Mōryō | 魑魅魍魎
[Four-character Idiom] Idoku Seidoku | 以毒制毒
[Four-character Idiom] Daraku Tenshi | 堕落天使
[Four-character Idiom] Onko Chishin | 温故知新
[Four-character Idiom] Anya Kōro | 暗夜行路
[Four-character Idiom] Anya Kōro| 暗夜行路
[Four-character Idiom] Tettō Tetsubi | 徹頭徹尾
[Four-character Idiom] Suisei Mushi | 酔生夢死
[Four-character Idiom] Suisei Mushi | 酔生夢死
[Four-character Idiom] Bunbu Ryōdō | 文武両道
[Four-character Idiom] Inga Ōhō | 因果応報
[Four-character Idiom] Hika Kōgai | 悲歌慷慨
[Four-character Idiom] Hika Kōgai | 悲歌慷慨
[Four-character Idiom] Dohatsu Shōten | 怒髪衝天
[Four-character Idiom] Ikkyū Nyūkon | 一球入魂
[Four-character Idiom] Shōji Ruten | 生死流転
#25 Evanescent Encounter 2 生死流転 弐
[Four-character Idiom] Shōji Ruten | 生死流転
[Four-character Idiom] Shōji Ruten | 生死流転
[Four-character Idiom] Mugen Hōyō | 夢幻泡影
[Four-character Idiom] Hōmatsu Mugen | 泡沫夢幻
”どこ行くの?(Where are you going?)” used in episode #11 is a phrase that is used in session #26 of Cowboy Bebop.(第11話で使われている「どこ行くの?」は、カウボーイビバップ最終話でも使われた言葉。)
"分かるよな?(You'd understand it, right?)" used repeatedly in episode #1 is a phrase that asks rationality.(繰り返し使用された「分かるよな?」は合理性を問う言葉。)
“肩が冷えるといけねえ (Your shoulders should not get cold.)” is a phrase that describes how much Takeya understands it.(「肩が冷えるといけねえ」は、竹屋がどこまで理解しているかを表した言葉。)
A flower that originated in the United States and was introduced from Europe to Japan via China.(アメリカが原産で、中国を経由しヨーロッパから日本へ伝来した花です。)
The flux of life, death, and rebirth(生、死、再生の絶え間ない変化)
Putting your soul in one ball(一球に魂を込める)
Set up one's bristles(激怒する)
To resent and lament over the devastated world or unfortunate life(荒廃した世の中や不幸な自分などを憤り嘆くこと)
Karma, Causal retribution(業、カルマ)
A person who excels in both study and sports(勉強もスポーツもデキる人)