All Characters
#1-26 All Episodes 全話
Born on an isolated island in Ryūkyū, he grew up without being able to read and write. He used to live as a pirate, but[…]
He was entrusted to a dōjō when he was little, and his talent bloomed by dedicating to his teacher faithfully. He was o[…]
Bullish to anyone even if it's a bad person. Conscientious to good people. Cheerful, but her motive for traveling is dr[…]
Fuu's pet and bodyguard. The model Ezo Momonga is a subspecies of the Siberian flying squirrel species.(フウのペットであり用心棒。モデ[…]
#1 Tempestuous Temperaments 疾風怒濤
Bad Local magistrate. Tomonoshin Shibui, who is also a corrupt person, is his spoiled son.(悪代官。性悪の渋井友之進はこの代官のドラ息子。) […]
He was a follower of the local magistrate's son. Since his arm was chopped off, he re-appeared in front of Mugen for re[…]
An arrogant customer of the dumpling shop. A spoiled son of a bad local magistrate, Matsunosuke Shibui.(団子屋の横柄な客。悪代官 渋井[…]
Chief of the general contractor. He was about to be cut off from the work his company had been contracted by the local […]
The storekeeper of the cafe "Rokusuke" where Fuu works.(フウが働く団子屋『六助』の店主。) Character Profile: 菊蔵 Kikuzō サムライチャ[…]
The landlady of the cafe “Rokusuke” where Fuu works.(フウが働く団子屋『六助』の女将。) Character Profile: お吟 Ogin サムライチャンプルー […]
A gatekeeper in front of the magistrate's office that Fuu negotiated to rescue Mugen and Jin.(ムゲンとジンを救出するためにフウが交渉した代官所前[…]
The storekeeper of the Pyrotechnist, "Tamaya" that Fuu negotiated to rescue Mugen and Jin.(ムゲンとジンを救出するためにフウが交渉した花火師『玉屋』[…]
#2 Redeye Reprisal 百鬼夜行
He was a follower of the local magistrate's son. Since his arm was chopped off, he re-appeared in front of Mugen for re[…]
A woman walking barefoot on the roadside of the forest. A thug hired by Ryujiro, she seduced and poisoned Mugen.(林の道端で出[…]
A large man detained in a penal institution until the murder sentence was confirmed, but Ryūjirō released him and used […]
A samurai. A thug hired by Ryujiro who plots revenge on Mugen.(侍。ムゲンへの復讐を謀る竜二郎に雇われた刺客。) Character Profile: 犬山 Inuyam[…]
One of the Kantō police officers who have been chasing after Ryūjirō to arrest him, and is wearing a striped cloth.(竜二郎[…]
One of the Kantō police officers who have been chasing after Ryūjirō to arrest him, and is wearing a cross mark cloth.([…]
#3,4 Hellhounds for Hire 以心伝心
The Head of the Yakuza, "Nagatomi Family" tries to take over the town by trapping the citizens.(住人を陥れて町を乗っ取り支配しようと企むヤクザ[…]
A yakuza member who quit the Kawara group and became a bodyguard for the Nagatomi group.(瓦組を飛び出し、永富組の用心棒となったヤクザ組員。) […]
Daughter of a joinery shop. She is taken to a brothel by yakuza as an alternative for her dad's debt made by Hustling o[…]
The second generation of the Yakuza, "Kawara group". A boy who speaks big to Jin.(ヤクザ瓦組の二代目。ジンに対して偉そうな口の利き方をする少年。) T[…]
The storekeeper of a Joinery shop. He has a debt due to yakuza hustling.(建具屋の店主。ヤクザのイカサマ賭博による借金がある。) Title or Status[…]
The Head of the Yakuza, "Kawara Family" has a kindhearted personality.(ヤクザ『瓦組』の親分で、その人柄には人情味がある。) Title or Status of[…]
The storekeeper of a tavern, "Takeya" that Mugen and Jin visited separately.(ムゲンとジンがそれぞれ別々に訪れた料理屋『竹屋』の店主。) Title or […]
The street fortune-teller and the witness at the gambling house(辻占・賭場の立会人) Title or Status of Oryū | お竜の身分/肩書 […]
#5 Artistic Anarchy 馬耳東風
Undercover agent. The model is "Hanzō the Razor." (隠密同心。モデルとなっているのは御用牙の『かみそり半蔵』) Title or Status of Manzō Sakami | 坂[…]
The Ukiyo-e artist longing for the Netherlands. A kept man of Sawa.(蘭の国に憧れる浮世絵師。佐和のヒモ男。) Title or Status of | 菱川 師宣[…]
A man playing shogi with Jin at the storefront of a book rental shop. The proprietor of the book rental shop, "Tsutaya"[…]
The proprietress of the book rental shop, "Tsutaya" and Broker of human trafficking. A patron of Moronobu.(貸本屋の女将で、人身売買[…]
A punk belonging to a human trafficking group(人身売買組織に所属するチンピラ) Title or Status of Punk | チンピラの身分/肩書 サムライチャンプル[…]
A punk belonging to a human trafficking group(人身売買組織に所属するチンピラ) Title or Status of | の身分/肩書 サムライチャンプルー #5 馬耳東[…]
A punk belonging to a human trafficking group(人身売買組織に所属するチンピラ) Title or Status of Punk | チンピラの身分/肩書 サムライチャンプル[…]
- 2020-02-05
- 2021-04-05
Manzō Sakami (Manzō the Saw) | 坂見 万蔵(のこぎり万蔵)
Undercover agent. The model is "Hanzō the Razor." (隠密同心。モデルとなっているのは御用牙の『かみそり半蔵』)
- 2020-02-05
- 2021-04-05
Moronobu Hishikawa | 菱川 師宣
An Ukiyo-e artist longing for the Netherlands. A kept man of Sawa.(蘭の国に憧れる浮世絵師。佐和のヒモ男。)
- 2020-02-05
- 2021-04-05
Old Shōgi Player | 老棋士
A man playing shogi with Jin at the storefront of a book rental shop. The proprietor of the book rental shop, "Tsutaya" and Head of the human trafficking group.(貸本屋の店先でジンと賭け将棋をした男。貸本屋『つたや』の主人で、人身売買組織の元締め。)
- 2020-02-05
- 2021-04-08
Sawa | 佐和
The proprietress of the book rental shop, "Tsutaya" and Broker of human trafficking. A patron of Moronobu.(貸本屋の女将で、人身売買の仲買人。師宣のパトロン。)
- 2020-01-29
- 2021-04-05
Rikiei | 力鋭
The Head of the Yakuza, "Nagatomi-gumi" tries to take over the town by trapping the citizens.(住人を陥れて町を乗っ取り、支配しようと企むヤクザ永富組の親分。)
- 2020-01-29
- 2021-04-05
Ishimatsu | 石松
A yakuza member who quit the Kawara group and became a bodyguard for the Nagatomi group.(瓦組を飛び出し、永富組の用心棒となったヤクザ組員。)
- 2020-01-29
- 2021-04-08
Osuzu | お鈴
Daughter of a joinery shop. She is taken to a brothel by yakuza as an alternative for her dad's debt made by Hustling of yakuza.(建具屋の娘。父・大吾郎がヤクザに嵌められて作った借金のカタに女郎屋に連れて行かれてしまう。)