- 2020-10-07
- 2021-05-01
[Transcript] Ep.#21【全台詞】第二十一話
Ep.#21 Elegy of Entrapment (Verse 2) | 第二十一話 悲歌慷慨 其之壱
Transcription of dialogue.
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters are the li[…]
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters are t[…]
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters are t[…]
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters […]
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters […]
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters […]
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters […]
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters […]
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters […]
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters […]
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters […]
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters […]
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters […]
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters […]
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters […]
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters […]
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters […]
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters […]
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters […]
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters […]
I transcribed the lines. The notation of hiragana is matched to the spoken language in the work. Red letters […]
Ep.#21 Elegy of Entrapment (Verse 2) | 第二十一話 悲歌慷慨 其之壱
Ep.#20 Elegy of Entrapment (Verse 1) | 第二十話 悲歌慷慨 其之壱
Ep.#17 Lullabies of the Lost (Verse 2) | 第十七話 酔生夢死 ふた夢
Ep.#16 Lullabies of the Lost (Verse 1) | 第十六話 酔生夢死 ひと夢
Ep.#14 Misguided Miscreants (Part 2) | 第十四話 暗夜行路 其之弐
Ep.#13 Misguided Miscreants (Part 1) | 第十三話 暗夜行路 其之壱