- 2020-05-29
- 2021-04-06
[Four-character Idiom] Ep.#22 Title: Dohatsu Shōten【四字熟語】怒髪衝天
Set up one's bristles(激怒する)
Set up one's bristles(激怒する)
The origin of "Arita porcelain", where the quarry was discovered in the Edo period, and the birthplace of Japanese porcelain.(江戸時代に磁石場が発見された、『有田焼』の産地であり、日本の磁器発祥の地。)
To resent and lament over the devastated world or unfortunate life(荒廃した世の中や不幸な自分などを憤り嘆くこと)
Fukuoka is the largest city in the Kyūshū region, Yanagawa is a water town, and Kumamoto is a castle town with abundant forests.(福岡市は九州地方最大の都市、柳川市は水郷の町、熊本市は森林も豊な城下町)
Karma, Causal retribution(業、カルマ)
There are the largest karst plateau in Japan, and the cave formed by erosion of limestone by groundwater.(日本最大のカルスト台地と、石灰岩が地下水などで浸食されてできた鍾乳洞がある。)
A person who excels in both study and sports(勉強もスポーツもデキる人)
Both cities are castle towns, Hiroshima is the largest city in the region, and Mihara is a martial arts town.(共に城下町で、広島市は中国・四国地方最大の都市、三原市は武芸の町。)
Idling one's life away(無為に一生を過ごす)