Karma, Causal retribution(業、カルマ)
Four-character Idiom: 因果応報 Inga Ōhō

サムライチャンプルー #19 因果応報
“Ingaōhō” is an idiom derived from the Chinese Lotsawa monk “Xuanzang”, known as Tang Sanzang/Tripitaka from the story “Journey to the West”.

Literal Translation of Inga Ōhō | 因果応報の直訳
The result depends on the cause
Meaning of Inga Ōhō | 因果応報の意味
Good and evil acts in the previous life are the cause, and the corresponding reward is brought to you in this life.
Good deeds have good rewards, bad deeds have bad rewards
Attribution of Inga Ōhō | 因果応報の属性
< Word related to Buddhism >
≪ 仏教語 ≫
Source of Inga Ōhō | 因果応報の出典
“Biography of Master Xuanzang, Daci’en Temple” *
『大慈恩寺 三蔵法師伝』※
* Biography of “Xuanzang(602-664)” in the Tang dynasty of China, completed 24 years after his death edited by “Hui Li” and “Yan Cong“
※ 中国の唐代の『玄奘』の死から24年後に完成した、『慧立』と『彦悰』により編まれた伝記