- 2020-10-10
- 2021-04-09
[Surmise] Jin Didn’t Fall in Love With Shino【考察】ジンは紫乃に惚れていない
It is my opinion that Jin wasn't in love at all with Shino. (ジンは紫乃に全く惚れていない、という私の意見です。)
I have organized my thoughts.
[Surmise] The Yellow Pinwheel is the Symbol of Fuu
[Memo] The Reason Why Mugen and Jin Travel with Fuu
[Surmise] The Movement Of a Butterfly Symbolizes Oniwamaru’s Mental Status
[Surmise] The Black Kite is the Symbol of Ryūjirō
[Surmise] The Fireflies are the Symbol of Life and Love
[Surmise] Momotarō’s Elements and Ironies
[Question] Why Did They Have Only a Small Amount of Money?
[Memo] The Reason Why Mugen Join Forces with Rikiei
[Surmise] Jin Didn’t Fall in Love With Shino
[Memo] Clues of the Samurai Who Smells of Sunflowers
[Memo] The Purpose of Fuu Searching for a Samurai Who Smells of Sunflowers
[Question] Since When Did the Shogunate Target Fuu?
[Memo] The Reason Why Jin Left Dōjō
[Surmise] Sunflower is the Secret Word Referring to Christianity
It is my opinion that Jin wasn't in love at all with Shino. (ジンは紫乃に全く惚れていない、という私の意見です。)
What of Rikiei did Mugen resonate with and join hands? Excerpts from episode #3 and #4.(ムゲンは、力鋭の何に共鳴して手を結んだのか。第3話と第4話からの抜粋です。)
Verify the reason why all three have just a small amount of money.(フウ達が3人とも、所持金少ないのは何故なのかを検証します。)
Butterflies are used as a means of expressing the state of someone's mind in Samurai Champloo.(サムライチャンプルーでは、心の動きを表す手段として蝶が使用されています。)
The eyesight of the black kite is excelled, and when it finds food in the sky, it dives and catches it.(鳶(トビ/とんび)の視力は非常に優れており、上空で餌を見つけると急降下して捕らえます。)
Momotarō is a popular Japanese folktale that a hero named Momotarō goes to the demon island to beat demons up with accompanies of a dog, a monkey, and a pheasant.(桃太郎という主人公がイヌ、サル、キジをお供に、鬼を退治しに鬼ヶ島へ行く物語です。)
I summarized Jin's master murder case. Also, I considered whether Jin was actually "ousted" or "left."(ジンによる師匠殺し事件をまとめます。また、ジンは『追放された』のかそれとも『去った』のか考察します。)
I verified the person who is suspected to be the source of information of the Bakufu(Shogunate) regarding Mugen, Jin and Fuu.(フウ達3人に関する幕府の情報源と疑われる人物を検証しました。)
"The Sunflower Samurai" means "The Christian Samurai". If he was known to be a Christian, he was at risk of being executed, so somebody replaced his nickname with another word while avoiding direct mention. I think.(『向日葵侍』とは、つまり『キリシタン侍』を意味しています。 キリスト教徒であることが知られた場合、処刑される危険性があったため、誰かが彼のニックネームを直接ではない別の単語に置き換えて呼んだのです(と思います)。)
Pinwheel is an item that represents "children", and yellow pinwheel is an item that represents "Fuu".(風車(かざぐるま)は『子供』を、黄色い風車(かざぐるま)は『フウ』を表している。)