- 2020-04-25
- 2021-12-24
[Roundup] Ep.#15 Bogus Booty【総括】徹頭徹尾
Ep.#15 Character(登場人物) Main Characters(メインキャラクター) Mugen Stray ムゲン 無宿人むしゅくにん Jin Stray ronin ジン 無宿浪人むしゅくろうにん Fuu Former Cafe staff フウ 元もと茶屋店員ちゃやてんいん Momo Flying squirrelFu […]
A collection of internal links by episode.
An episode of tempestuous encounter with two tough samurai "Mugen" and "Jin" who are perfect in strength but not social[…]
While the fairy tale "Momotaro" is the motif, it is also a satire that depicts people's prejudice against "demons" or a[…]
An episode of the Yakuza conflict set in Kawasaki. It also makes us think about the restrictions imposed by the group s[…]
Ep.#15 Character(登場人物) Main Characters(メインキャラクター) Mugen Stray ムゲン 無宿人むしゅくにん Jin Stray roni[…]
Ep.#15 Character(登場人物) Main Characters(メインキャラクター) Mugen Stray ムゲン 無宿人むしゅくにん Jin Stray ronin ジン 無宿浪人むしゅくろうにん Fuu Former Cafe staff フウ 元もと茶屋店員ちゃやてんいん Momo Flying squirrelFu […]
An episode of the Yakuza conflict set in Kawasaki. It also makes us think about the restrictions imposed by the group/family society.(川崎を舞台にした、ヤクザ抗争の編。集団社会による制約についても考えさせられます。)
While the fairy tale "Momotaro" is the motif, it is also a satire that depicts people's prejudice against "demons" or an appearance.(説話『桃太郎』がモチーフでありながら、『鬼』や見た目に対する人々の偏見を描く風刺でもあります。)
Tempestuous encounter with two samurai "Mugen" and "Jin" who are perfect in strength but not social status, and "Fu", a teahouse clerk who connects the two who are in conflict.(社会的な地位は伴わない二人の頑強なサムライ『ムゲン』と『ジン』、そして相反するふたりを繋ぐ存在の茶屋店員『フウ』との、疾風怒涛のごとき出会い。)