Momotarō is a popular Japanese folktale that a hero named Momotarō goes to the demon island to beat demons up with accompanies of a dog, a monkey, and a pheasant.(桃太郎という主人公がイヌ、サル、キジをお供に、鬼を退治しに鬼ヶ島へ行く物語です。)
Episode #2 and Momotarō | 第2話と桃太郎
サムライチャンプルー #2 百鬼夜行
Fuu “Do you think you’re a fearless monster slayer or something?”
Samurai Champloo #2
サムライチャンプルー #2 百鬼夜行
Momotarō | 桃太郎
The motif of episode #2 is the most common “Momotarō” re-toled by Masao Kusuyama, a writer of juvenile literature.
One day, an old woman picked up a big peach in the river.
As she brought it home and crack the peach fruit, a baby boy was born from the peach.
The old lady and her husband raise the boy by giving him the name “Momotarō” which means peach boy.
One day, Momotaro said he’s going to defeat the demons.
Momotarō is heading to demon island alone, so the old man and old woman could do nothing but just gave him Kibi-dango, which is dumplings made of millet.
On the way to go to the demon island, Momotarō met dogs, monkeys, and pheasants, so he gave the kibi dango for each and made them accompanied.
Momotarō’s party brilliantly defeated the demons and made a success in life.
Demon | 鬼
サムライチャンプルー #2 百鬼夜行
Oniwakamaru | 鬼若丸
Dog | イヌ
サムライチャンプルー #2 百鬼夜行
Inuyama | 犬山
Monkey | サル
サムライチャンプルー #2 百鬼夜行
Saruhashi | 猿橋
Pheasant | キジ
サムライチャンプルー #2 百鬼夜行
Kiji | 木地(きじ)
Millet Dumplings | きびだんご
サムライチャンプルー #2 百鬼夜行
Yakimanjū is a dog’s favorite food called “Pochi” that appears in a gag manga by Masayuki Nakamura called “Nihon Fukashi Banashi” *.
『日本ふかし話』※という 中村雅之氏によるギャグ漫画に登場する「ポチ」の好物が『焼きまんじゅう』です。
* An unfinished manga that was serialized in “Monthly Shōnen Jump” but was suspended due to the author’s illness.
Ironic Elements | 皮肉要素
Many Japanese folk tales are rooted in Poetic justice.
Especially, There are many stories by Masao Kusuyama’s re-story (The Click-clack Mountain, The Tongue Cut Sparrow, The Crab and the Monkey, Bunbuku Tea-kettle, etc.)
※ 特に、楠山正雄の再話による物語に多いと思います(かちかち山、舌切りすずめ、猿かに合戦、文福茶がまなど)
This is because many folk tales played the role of disciplining children.
“Momotarō” is also one of the things rooted in the idea of poetic justice.
However, the real world is not built of simple good and evil.
Therefore, adults prefer a story with a little bit of depth.
I’ll introduce three works that satirize Momotarō accordingly.
“Momotarō” Ryūnosuke Akutagawa『桃太郎』芥川龍之介
It is a children’s literature “Momotarō” written by Rryūnosuke Akutagawa(1892-1927).
A parody which depicts the villain Momotarō.
The copyright protection period has expired and you can read it for free.
“Cried Red Ogre” Hirosuke Hamada『泣いた赤鬼』浜田廣介
This is a children’s literature “Cried Red Ogre” (picture book) by Hirosuke Hamada.
Not the relationships between “genus” such as demons and humans, but this work focuses on building relationships between “individuals”.
“Demon Slayer” Koyoharu Gotōge『鬼滅の刃』吾峠 呼世晴
The manga “Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer)” written by Koyoharu Gotōge.
“Demons” in this work is depict as a human beings.