“The Sunflower Samurai” means “The Christian Samurai”. If he was known to be a Christian, he was at risk of being executed, so somebody replaced his nickname with another word while avoiding direct mention. I think.(『向日葵侍』とは、つまり『キリシタン侍』を意味しています。 キリスト教徒であることが知られた場合、処刑される危険性があったため、誰かが彼のニックネームを直接ではない別の単語に置き換えて呼んだのです(と思います)。)
Neither “Sunflower” nor “Christianity” is Endemic to Japan | 向日葵とキリスト教は、どちらも日本固有のものではない
Mugen: “And what the hell is a sunflower, anyway?”
Samurai Champloo #2 Redeye Reprisal
サムライチャンプルー #2 百鬼夜行
What both sunflowers and Christianity have in common is that they were “from the West” for the Japanese at that time.
From the historical background, I’m thinking that “sunflower” in this work is jargon that means “Christian”.
Introducing Sunflower | 向日葵の伝来
Fuu: “Do you know anything about a samurai who smells of sunflowers? I’ve been looking for him for a long time.”
Jōji: “No, I am sorry. However, it was we Dutchmen who bring sunflowers here. Do you have any more clue to go on?”
フウ:「向日葵の匂いのするお侍さんって知らない? ずっと探してるの」
Samurai Champloo #6 Stranger Searching
サムライチャンプルー #6 赤毛異人
In the show, the sunflower is set to be brought in by Dutch.
The origin of “Sunflower” is ancient North America.
『向日葵』の 原産地は古代北アメリカであるといわれています。
Sunflowers have been an Indian food since BC.
In 1510 AD, the Spaniards brought seeds from the Americas to their own country.
It is said that it was introduced to Japan from Europe via China around the 17th century.
Japan around the 17th century was in the Edo period(1603-1868).
The sunflower would have been a big shock to the Japanese at that time, who had never seen a flower that big.
Introducing Christianity | キリスト教の伝来
The Catholic was introduced to Japan in 1549 during the Warring States period(1467-1615) by Francis Xavier of the Jesuits of Spain, a religious order of the Catholic Church.
However, when the Edo Shogunate proclaimed a ban on Christian missions in 1612, crackdowns on Christians began.
During 1609 to 1612, the Bakufu(Shogunate) banned Christianity, starting with the Okamoto Daihachi incident.
The persecution of Christians began to take place all over the country.
Being a Christian was a Crime | キリスト教徒であることは重罪だった
Please remember Jōji’s words of Episode 6.
It is very dangerous thing in this country.
Do not let anyone see it.
Samurai Champloo #6 Stranger Searching
サムライチャンプルー #6 赤毛異人
Japan has a history of cracking down on Christianity for some reason.
At first, it began with relatively loose regulations, but the crackdown gradually escalated, and the believers were severely tortured and executed.
Due to the Shimabara Rebellion in 1637, the shogunate further banned teaching.
Therefore, the believers had to hide the fact that they were Christians in order to survive and carry on their faith.
“Kakure Kirishitan” are Christians who kept their faith secretly even after the suppression of Christianity by the Shogunate.
(I would like to write another article about the reason why the Tokugawa Shogunate suppressed Christianity.)
Usage of “Smell” |『匂い』の用法
“Smell” is generally felt by the sense of smell, but it may be used in a different way.
For example, “smell” also means “imply” or “suggest” in Japanese.
“The smell of crime”
“smell a relationship with sth/sb”
・・・など です。
Something in My Mind | 引っ掛かること
However, if sunflower were meant to be hidden Christian, all Christians would become “sunflowers”, and it would seem unnatural for them to call each other.
“Kakure Kirishitan” appears in episode #19 of Samurai Champloo.
In episode #19, it was mentioned that even among the believers, Mr. Kiyozo was called “a samurai who smells sunflowers.”
What do you think about this?
[Important] There is no fact that sunflower was used as a Christian jargon in Japanese history.
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