There are the largest karst plateau in Japan, and the cave formed by erosion of limestone by groundwater.(日本最大のカルスト台地と、石灰岩が地下水などで浸食されてできた鍾乳洞がある。)
Akiyoshi, Shūhō-chō Mine City | 美祢市 秋芳町 秋吉
サムライチャンプル― #19 因果応報
The location of episode #19 is Akiyoshi, Shūhō-chō, Mine City, Yamaguchi Prefecture (I think).
第19話の舞台は、山口県 美祢市 秋芳町 秋吉 です(だと思います)。
* The target on the map is set to Akiyoshidai.
※ 秋吉台に目標を合わせた地図になります。
Akiyoshidai | 秋吉台
“Akiyoshidai” is Japan’s largest karst plateau in Mine City, Yamaguchi Prefecture.
* Karst plateau is a terrain formed by the erosion of a plateau composed of relatively water-soluble rocks such as limestone.
※ カルスト台地とは、石灰岩などの比較的水に溶けやすい岩石で構成された台地が雨などによって浸食されてできた地形です。
During the Edo period, it belonged to Chōshū (Nagato Province).
* Chōshū is one of the provinces of Japan under the centralized government system called Ritsuryōsei, another name for Nagato Province, and refers to the west part of Yamaguchi prefecture today.
※ 長州とは、長門国の別称で、日本の令制国の一つです。現在の山口県の西部にあたります。
Akiyoshidō Cave | 秋芳洞
“Akiyoshidō” is a limestone cave located about 100m underground in Akiyoshidai.
The entrance is about 5 minutes by car from Akiyoshidai.
Akiyoshidō is a limestone cave created by the limestone of Akiyoshidai, which is a karst plateau, gradually dissolved in groundwater and repeatedly collapsed.
You can see the 1km course in the 10km cave.
Shibuki, Hagi City | 萩市 紫福
Next to Mine City, Shibuki area in Hagi City’s is said to be an area studdedd with hidden Christian relics.
Therefore, the location of episode #19 can be Hagi City.
Hagi City belonged to Chōshū (Nagato Province) during the Edo period.
During the Edo period, it prospered as a castle town of the Chōshū domain.
“Hagi Castle” is a castle built by Terumoto Mori, like Hiroshima Castle.
Currently, only stone walls are left.
出典:Wikipedia 『萩城』