Both cities are castle towns, Hiroshima is the largest city in the region, and Mihara is a martial arts town.(共に城下町で、広島市は中国・四国地方最大の都市、三原市は武芸の町。)
Hiroshima, Hiroshima Prefecture | 広島県 広島市
サムライチャンプルー #18 文武両道
The stage of episode #18 is Hiroshima City and Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture.
In the Edo period, Hiroshima city belonged to Aki Province, and Mihara city was just around the border between Aki Province and Bingo Province.
* The target on the map is set to Hiroshima Castle.
※ 広島城に目標を合わせた地図になります。
“Hiroshima City” is an ordinance-designated city with the largest population in the Chugoku / Shikoku region.
An ordinance-designated city has a population of 500,000 or more. *
* If appointed, many authorities of prefectures will be transferred to the city.
※ 指定された場合、都道府県の多くの権限が市に移譲されます。
During the Edo period, Hiroshima city belonged to Geishū (Aki Province).
* Geishū is one of the provinces of Japan under the centralized government system called Ritsuryōsei, another name for Aki Province, and refers to the west part of Hiroshima prefecture today.
※ 芸州とは、安芸国の別称で、日本の令制国の一つです。現在の広島県の西部に相当します。
Hiroshima Castle | 広島城
サムライチャンプルー #18 文武両道
“Hiroshima Castle” is a castle built in Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture in 1589 during the Azuchi-Momoyama period.
Terumoto Mōri, the owner of the castle, was a feudal lord from the Azuchi-Momoyama period to the early Edo period.
* I will refer to the Mōri clan in episode #19, about “Mōri’s Three Arrows”.
※ 毛利氏に関しては、第19話に登場する『毛利三本の矢』で少し触れます。
In the Edo period, the Hiroshima Castle was the residence of the Asano clan.
In the Meiji era, the Asano’s ruling was over, and the Imperial Japanese Army built their facilities.
Almost all the buildings were destroyed by the fire of the Pacific War, but the castle tower was rebuilt after that.
Currently, you can see the castle tower and it is also open as a museum.
Mihara, Hiroshima Prefecture | 広島県 三原市
サムライチャンプルー #18 文武両道
Jin: “Excuse me, but there is a person in Mihara who have taught me before, so I’d like to visit.”
Fu: “Mihara is quite a distance.”
Jin: “Mihara is an indispensable town for those who aspire to martial arts. Among them, the best dōjō for learning martial arts is Gojūkan. I used to be under Mitsunosuke Niwa …”
During the Edo period, Mihara City belonged to Geishū (Aki Province) in the west half and Bishū (Bingo Province) in the east half.
* Enshū is one of the provinces of Japan under the centralized government system called Ritsuryōsei, another name for Bingo Province, and refers to the east part of Hiroshima prefecture today.
※ 備州とは、備後国の別称で、日本の令制国の一つです。現在の広島県の東部に相当します。
Currently, it became inland due to the progress of the landfill and doesn’t face the sea, only the stone wall remains, and there is no castle.
Gōukan, Mihara Castle | 三原城 吾往館
サムライチャンプル― #18 文武両道
The martial arts hall “Gojūkan” that Jin was taught in the past is probably modeled after the “Gōukan” that actually existed in the past.
Anime: “Gojūkan”
Actual: “Gōukan”
“Gōukan” is a dōjō(martial arts hall) for training marital arts.
“Gōukan” was located in the area called west Tsukidashi in the Mihara Castle.
『吾往館』は、 三原城内の西の築出というエリアにありました。
It is the corner of the current intersection of 3-13 Minatomachi, Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture.
The image below is an artificial island of Mihara Castle and a map of the samurai residence.
The location of “Gōukan” is shown in the lower-right corner.
In addition, I found the letter written “Niwa” in the lower-left corner.
『備後国三原城絵図』 引用:渓流詩人の徒然日記
The image below is a map looking from a distance.
The wording similar to Jin’s words as mentioned above can be seen in the signboard of the Gōukan ruins in the image below.
Here, it is stated that “Mihara is an indispensable town for martial arts”.
こちらに、 「武芸者にとって三原は欠かす事の出来ない町”」と記載されています。
引用:みんカラ シリーズ【三原城の痕跡を辿る・その二十三 西築出の痕跡編】
Mihara was an indispensable town for martial arts in the Edo period, as it was said, “Hiroshima during the morning, Mihara 3 days, Bizen Okayama passed through.”
Mihara Castle, located in the southeastern part of the west Tsukidashi, teaches spears, swords, and artillery, and there is also archery ground nearby, which has produced many talents.
Niwa Seizo is known as one of the Shin-nuki style five men, learned from Shūsaku Chiba’s school, interacted with Ryōma Sakamoto and Shinsaku Takasugi, and is considered to be a model of “Kurama Tengu” based on Jirō Osaragi.
Honjō Takito, who was said, “You will be the best in Japan if you could defeat Honjō”.
In addition, Seita Kurahashi, who was active in the Tenchū-gumi and used the Saburi style spear practice, which is characterized by key-spearing, for Meiji Emperor’s viewing.etc.
It was the center of Mihara, a martial arts town with a lot of assassins.
The arts and their styles taught in Mihara.
Swordsmanship … Shin-nuki style, Ono style, Kan-shin style, Shin-mu Nakashima style.
Spearmanship … Saburi style.
Equestrianism … Otsubo style.
Artillery … Inoue, Sakakiyama, Nanbu style.Self-defense art … Shibukawa style.
Archery … Yamato style.
Tactics … Hojo style.
” II-7… Gōukan ruins』(Minato town)”
三原城 西築出東南部に当る ここ吾往館では、槍、剣、砲術を教えており、近くには弓場もあり、数多くの俊秀を生み出しました。
信抜流 五人男の一人として名があり、千葉 周作の門に学び、坂本 龍馬、高杉 晋作とも交流を持ち、大仏 次郎 原作の「鞍馬天狗」のモデルとされている丹羽 精蔵。
又 天誅組に入って活躍し、鍵鑓を特徴とする佐分利流 槍術を明治天皇の天覧に供した倉橋 誠太等。
Is the model of Jūnosuke Niwa, who taught Jin in the past, Seizō Niwa?
『丹羽さんじょう四六四九』サムライチャンプルー #18 文武両道