Words or idioms derived from historical events or classical literature of China
Chinese Historical Events(中国故事)
- 2020-05-29
- 2021-04-06
[Four-character Idiom] Ep.#22 Title: Dohatsu Shōten【四字熟語】怒髪衝天
Set up one's bristles(激怒する)
- 2020-05-22
- 2021-04-06
[Four-character Idiom] Ep.#20,21 Title: Hika Kōgai【四字熟語】悲歌慷慨
To resent and lament over the devastated world or unfortunate life(荒廃した世の中や不幸な自分などを憤り嘆くこと)
- 2020-05-08
- 2021-10-05
[Four-character Idiom] Ep.#18 Title: Bunbu Ryōdō【四字熟語】文武両道
A person who excels in both study and sports(勉強もスポーツもデキる人)
- 2020-03-20
- 2021-04-06
[Four-character Idiom] Ep.#9 Title: Chimi Mōryō【四字熟語】魑魅魍魎
Supernatural creatures of mountains and supernatural creatures of rivers(山の怪と川の怪)
- 2020-03-06
- 2021-04-06
[Four-character Idiom] Ep.#7 Title: Shimen Soka【四字熟語】四面楚歌
Being surrounded by enemies(敵に囲まれている状況)
- 2020-02-07
- 2021-05-13
[Four-character Idiom] Ep.#5 Title: Baji Tōfū【四字熟語】馬耳東風
Utter indifference(完全無関心)