- 2020-02-06
- 2021-04-05
Ep.#5 Haneda in Tōkyō | 東京 羽田
A tidal flat formed by the accumulation of sediment from the Tama River which often overflows its banks. (暴れ川である多摩川の土砂が堆積してできた干潟。)
A tidal flat formed by the accumulation of sediment from the Tama River which often overflows its banks. (暴れ川である多摩川の土砂が堆積してできた干潟。)
Starting from a lodging town on the lower reaches of the Tama River, it has become a populous town crowded with diverse people.(多摩川下流にある宿場町から始まり、多様な人で賑わう人口の多い町に。)
A post town on the Kōshū kaidō road. There is a Buddhist temple on Mt. Takao.(甲州街道の宿場町。高尾山には、仏教寺院があります。)
Perry's Black Ships visited Yokohama during the end of the Edo period.(江戸時代末期、横浜にペリーの黒船が来航しました。)