Starting from a lodging town on the lower reaches of the Tama River, it has become a populous town crowded with diverse people.(多摩川下流の宿場町から始まった、多様な人で賑わう大きな都市。)
Kawasaki, Kanagawa | 神奈川県 川崎市

サムライチャンプルー #3,4 以心伝心
The location of episodes #3 and #4 is Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture.
* The target on the map is set to JR Kawasaki Station.
※ 川崎駅に目標を合わせた地図になります。
Current Kawasaki | 現在の川崎
In recent years, there have been many facilities such as Kawasaki DICE, Lazona Kawasaki, and Cinecitta where everyone, mainly young people, can enjoy shopping and movies.
When I hear Kawasaki City, I remember the tragic incident “The case of the murder of Junior high student” that occurred in 2015.
川崎市と聞くと、私は平成27年に起きた 痛ましい『川崎市中1殺害事件』を思い出します。
I feel that this incident has deepened the image of “Kawasaki as an unsafe place.”
Kawasaki City is an ordinance-designated city, and its population density is the second highest after Osaka City.
An ordinance-designated city has a population of 500,000 or more. *
* If appointed, many authorities of prefectures will be transferred to the city.
※ 指定された場合、都道府県の多くの権限が市に移譲されます。
The number of foreigners is increasing year by year, and the town is formed by a wide variety of people, including workers in the Keihin industrial area and people who look like yakuza.
Kawasaki Red-light district | 川崎遊郭
Yūkaku is a legal red-light district where licensed geisha houses and brothels are gathered.
Yūkaku was introduced to Edo in the early Edo period(1603-1868).
In 1872, the Meiji government issued an order to liberate geisha, but the reality was almost the same.
In 1946, the licensed prostitute system was abolished by the order of GHQ, but Yūkaku has remained as an area commonly known as the “Aka-sen(red line)” (but not red-light) with the signboard showed as cafes and restaurants.
With the enforcement of the Prostitution Prevention Law in 1958, the history of Yūkaku as a licensed prostitute area has come to an end.
Currently, there are red-light district areas in Horinouchi and Minamimachi around Kawasaki Station.
Tōkaidō Kawasaki-juku | 東海道 川崎宿

歌川 広重『東海道五十三次 川崎』六郷の渡し
As well as Yokohama City in episode #1, Kawasaki City belonged to Musashi Province during the Edo period.
With the establishment of the Edo Bakufu(Shogunate), the importance of Tōkaidō and Nakahara Kaidō has increased.
Therefore, Kawasaki-juku was established in 1623 as a lodging town for one of the fifty-three stations of the Tōkaidō.
During the Edo period, Kawasaki was crowded with entertainment districts and red-light districts as the last lodging town for travelers from the west side of Japan entering Edo.
* A lodging town (relay station) is a town that was set up in the Edo period to handle business such as accommodation and mail on the Gokaidō(Edo Five Routes).
※ 宿場(宿駅)とは、江戸時代に、五街道などにおいて、宿泊や郵便などの業務を取り扱うため設定された町のことです。
* The Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō refers to 53 lodging towns on the Tōkaidō, one of the Edo Five Routes constructed during the Edo period.
※ 東海道五十三次とは、江戸時代に整備された五街道の一つで、東海道にある53の宿場を指します。
* Gokaidō is Edo Five Routes to the Tokaido, Nakasendo, Nikko Kaido, Oshu Kaido, and Koshu Kaido, which extend from Nihonbashi of Edo in the Edo period.
※ 五街道は、江戸時代の江戸の日本橋を起点に伸びる東海道、中山道、日光街道、奥州街道、甲州街道の五つを指します。

出典:NHK for School
Kawasaki Daishi Temple | 川崎大師
“Kawasaki Daishi Temple” is a Buddhist temple in Kawasaki City, which was built in 1128.
The official name is Kongōsan Kinjōin Heikenji Temple.
正式名称は、金剛山 金乗院 平間寺。
Along with Nnaritasan Shinshōji Temple and Takaosan Yakuōin Temple, it is the head temple of the Chisan school of the Shingon sect.
Origin of the place name Kawasaki | 川崎という地名の由来

サムライチャンプルー #3,4 以心伝心

サムライチャンプルー #3,4 以心伝心

サムライチャンプルー #3,4 以心伝心
It is said that the origin of “Kawasaki” comes from the name given to the topography.
“Kawa” means the River, and “Saki” means the land protruding into the sea.