An episode of the Yakuza conflict set in Kawasaki. It also makes us think about the restrictions imposed by the group society.(川崎を舞台にした、ヤクザ抗争の編。集団社会による制約についても考えさせられます。)
Ep.#3,4 Characters | 登場人物
Born on an isolated island in Ryūkyū, he grew up without being able to read and write. He used to live as a pirate, but[…]
He was entrusted to a dōjō when he was little, and his talent bloomed by dedicating to his teacher faithfully. He was o[…]
Bullish to anyone even if it's a bad person. Conscientious to good people. Cheerful, but her motive for traveling is dr[…]
Fuu's pet and bodyguard. The model Ezo Momonga is a subspecies of the Siberian flying squirrel species.(フウのペットであり用心棒。モデ[…]
The Head of the Yakuza, "Nagatomi Family" tries to take over the town by trapping the citizens.(住人を陥れて町を乗っ取り支配しようと企むヤクザ[…]
A yakuza member who quit the Kawara group and became a bodyguard for the Nagatomi group.(瓦組を飛び出し、永富組の用心棒となったヤクザ組員。) […]
Daughter of a joinery shop. She is taken to a brothel by yakuza as an alternative for her dad's debt made by Hustling o[…]
The second generation of the Yakuza, "Kawara group". A boy who speaks big to Jin.(ヤクザ瓦組の二代目。ジンに対して偉そうな口の利き方をする少年。) T[…]
The storekeeper of a Joinery shop. He has a debt due to yakuza hustling.(建具屋の店主。ヤクザのイカサマ賭博による借金がある。) Title or Status[…]
The Head of the Yakuza, "Kawara Family" has a kindhearted personality.(ヤクザ『瓦組』の親分で、その人柄には人情味がある。) Title or Status of[…]
The storekeeper of a tavern, "Takeya" that Mugen and Jin visited separately.(ムゲンとジンがそれぞれ別々に訪れた料理屋『竹屋』の店主。) Title or […]
The street fortune-teller and the witness at the gambling house(辻占・賭場の立会人) Title or Status of Oryū | お竜の身分/肩書 […]
Ep.#3,4 Location | 舞台
Starting from a lodging town on the lower reaches of the Tama River, it has become a populous town crowded with diverse[…]
Ep.#3,4 Title | 表題
Something like telepathy(テレパシーのようなもの) Four-character Idiom: 以心伝心 Ishin Denshin サムライチャンプル― #3 以心伝心 其ノ一 […]
English Title “Hellhounds for Hire” | 英題
(名詞)Black Dog の別名で、イギリスに伝わる、黒い犬の形をした不吉な妖精( 黒妖犬 )
Ep.#3,4 Local Foods | 郷土食
Rather than local cuisine, it is a home-cooked dish that can be found anywhere in Japan.(郷土料理というより、日本全国どこにでもある家庭料理です。) […]
The less fat eels, called the conger eels, baked with sweet soy sauce.(脂質少なめの鰻・穴子に少し甘い醤油ダレを付けて焼いたもの。) What is The Ka[…]
Ep.#3,4 Memos | 覚書
What of Rikiei did Mugen resonate with and join hands? Excerpts from episode #3 and #4.(ムゲンは、力鋭の何に共鳴して手を結んだのか。第3話と第4話から[…]
Ep.#3,4 Review | 感想
It was an episode that made me think about “group / family” and “retaliation”.
There Are Restrictions If You Belong to a Social Group | 社会集団にいれば制約はある
Fuu and Mugen learned about the constraints of social groups in Japan. Fuu learned through Osuzu, and Mugen through Ishimatsu.
Osuzu: “If I run away from here, my father would be killed.”
Fuu: “Families sure can be a pain, huh?”
お鈴:「だめだよ あたし 逃げられない。あたしが逃げたら、お父つぁん殺されちゃうもん」
Samurai Champloo #4 Hellhounds for Hire PART.2
サムライチャンプルー #4 以心伝心 其ノ二
Even if Osuzu understands that she is a thrown piece for her family and community, she seems trying to fulfill the responsibility for her family and community.
Ishimatsu: “The world doesn’t work that way. It’s not that simple.
There are times when you gotta agree to something even when you think it’s wrong.”
おかしいと思ったって 首を縦に振らなきゃいけねぇ時だってあんだよ」
Samurai Champloo #4 Hellhounds for Hire PART.2
サムライチャンプルー #4 以心伝心 其ノ二
Ishimatsu did not support all the ideas of Rikiei of the Nagatomi group.
He knew that Heitarō’s philosophy of the Kawara group would not be able to confront new enemies.
Even if Heitarō has a good philosophy, it is meaningless in a world where people don’t understand the philosophy.
The idea of Ishimatsu cannot be understood by Mugen.
Mugen: “What a load of crap.
Don’t spend your life making excuses to yourself.
You’re the one who decides how to live your life.”
てめえの生き方決めんのはてめえ自身だろ 」
Samurai Champloo #4 Hellhounds for Hire PART.2
サムライチャンプルー #4 以心伝心 其ノ二
After saying this, Mugen leaves this town once.
But suddenly stops and returns to this town again.
This is to rescue Fuu from the brothel.
Mugen also had something carry on his back.
I interpret that Mugen was aware of his belongings and responsibilities because of Ishimatsu’s words.
Foresight of Kawara’s Head was Way Off | 瓦親分の見通しが甘過ぎる
Heitaro, the head of the Kawara family, speaks repeatedly.
“Don’t retaliate.”
You must have known.
An eye for an eye. That’s how they do things.
That’s why I’ve held my peace all this time.
Samurai Champloo #3 Hellhounds for Hire PART.1
サムライチャンプルー #3 以心伝心 其ノ一
If we went now, we’d be playing into their hands.
Anger only gives rise to further anger.
It’s a cycle that never ends.
Samurai Champloo #3 Hellhounds for Hire PART.1
サムライチャンプルー #3 以心伝心 其ノ一
…If he can’t do anything, he should ask the town magistrate to crack down on it.
Sōsuke and other Kawara gang members were saying, “Let’s get back what was defraud by Nagatomi” but no one was saying “let’s retaliate.”
Kawara’s head didn’t understand the essence of Rikiei, so the hara-kiri of the Kawara’s head did not change Rikiei’s mind naturally.
If Fuu’s party had not visited Kawasaki-juku, this town would have fallen into the Nagatomi family.