While the fairy tale “Momotaro” is the motif, it is also a satire that depicts people’s prejudice against “demons” or an appearance.(説話『桃太郎』がモチーフでありながら、『鬼』や見た目に対する人々の偏見を描く風刺でもあります。)
Ep.#2 Characters | 登場人物
Born on an isolated island in Ryūkyū, he grew up without being able to read and write. He used to live as a pirate, but[…]
He was entrusted to a dōjō when he was little, and his talent bloomed by dedicating to his teacher faithfully. He was o[…]
Bullish to anyone even if it's a bad person. Conscientious to good people. Cheerful, but her motive for traveling is dr[…]
Fuu's pet and bodyguard. The model Ezo Momonga is a subspecies of the Siberian flying squirrel species.(フウのペットであり用心棒。モデ[…]
He was a follower of the local magistrate's son. Since his arm was chopped off, he re-appeared in front of Mugen for re[…]
A woman walking barefoot on the roadside of the forest. A thug hired by Ryujiro, she seduced and poisoned Mugen.(林の道端で出[…]
A large man detained in a penal institution until the murder sentence was confirmed, but Ryūjirō released him and used […]
A samurai. A thug hired by Ryujiro who plots revenge on Mugen.(侍。ムゲンへの復讐を謀る竜二郎に雇われた刺客。) Character Profile: 犬山 Inuyam[…]
One of the Kantō police officers who have been chasing after Ryūjirō to arrest him, and is wearing a striped cloth.(竜二郎[…]
One of the Kantō police officers who have been chasing after Ryūjirō to arrest him, and is wearing a cross mark cloth.([…]
Ep.#2 Location | 舞台
A lodging town on the Kōshū kaidō road. There is a Buddhist temple on Mt. Takao.(甲州街道の宿場町。高尾山には、仏教寺院があります。) Hachiōji[…]
Ep.#2 Title | 表題
Night parade with a crowd of demons and Yōkai.(深夜に徘徊する鬼や妖怪の群れ) Four-character Idiom: 百鬼夜行 Hyakki Yakō サムライチャン[…]
English Title “Redeye Reprisal” | 英題
Ep.#2 Local Foods | 郷土食
Baked sweet miso-flavored buns stabbed on skewers, local food of Gunma prefecture.(串に刺して焼いた甘い味噌味のまんじゅうで、群馬県の郷土食。) Wh[…]
An edible mushroom although poisonous when combined with alcohol.(アルコールと組み合わせると有毒ですが、食べられるキノコです。) サムライチャンプルー #2[…]
Ep.#2 Surmises | 考察
Momotarō is a popular Japanese folktale that a hero named Momotarō goes to the demon island to beat demons up with acco[…]
The eyesight of the black kite is excelled, and when it finds food in the sky, it dives and catches it.(鳶(トビ/とんび)の視力は非常[…]
A butterfly is used as a means of expressing the movement of someone's mind in the show.(この作品で、心の動きを表す手段として蝶が使用されています。)[…]
Ep.#2 Questions | 疑問
Verify the reason why all three have just a small amount of money.(フウ達が3人とも、所持金少ないのは何故なのかを検証します。) Why Do They Have O[…]
I listed the people who are suspected to be the source of information for the Bakufu(Shogunate) regarding Mugen, Jin, a[…]
Ep.#2 Memos | 覚書
This is a summary of clues for searching for the mysterious sunflower samurai.(謎の、向日葵侍を捜すための手掛かりのまとめです。) A Samurai i[…]
Ep.#2 Review | 感想

サムライチャンプルー #2 百鬼夜行
It was an episode with many suggestions, such as a black kite, a butterfly, and fireflies.
I felt that the script was created in every detail.
I can’t say it’s the original material, but at the end, I’ll make a note of two past murders associated with the character of Oniwakamaru.
Tsuyama massacre | 津山事件

In the past, there was a horrific mass murder in a small Japanese settlement.
The case in which 28 people died and 5 people were seriously or slightly injured in less than two hours is called the “Tsuyama case”.
On May 21, 1938, in a village in Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture, a 21-year-old man killed the villagers one after another with an ax, a gun, and a Japanese sword.
Since the man committed suicide after the crime and many of the victims died, many of the circumstances leading up to the incident remain a mystery,.
There is a sentence in the suicide note, “I cried for the cold-heartedness and oppression of society for four years.”
* “冷胆” seems to be a typographical error of “冷淡(coldness)”
Oni-kuma case | 鬼熊事件

On August 20, 1926, in a village in Chiba prefecture, a 34-year-old man murdered a man who was a boyfriend of a woman with an intimate relationship and also murdered a man of the storekeeper where the woman worked.
The following month, on September 11, he killed a police officer who was on patrol.
The criminal man was unexpectedly loved by the villagers, but on the contrary, it is said that the women on the victim’s side and the storekeepers of the shops where the women worked were not so much liked by the villagers.
As proof of that, some of the villagers hid the criminal man from the hands of the police.
The criminal man committed suicide in front of acquaintances and a newspaper reporter who came to the interview.
This case is called the “Onikuma case”.