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Ep.#24,25,26 Hirado | 平戸

A city consisting of islands. Francis Xavier Hirado Port once prospered as an international trading port, where Francis Xavier arrived and began missionary work.(島々から成る都市。平戸港はかつて国際貿易港として栄え、ザビエルが来航し布教を始めた場所。)

Ikitsuki island | 生月島


サムライチャンプルー #24 生死流転 其之壱

The location of episodes #24, 25, and 26 is Ikitsuki-chō, Hirado City, Nagasaki Prefecture.


* The target on the map is set to Misaki area.

※ 御崎地区みさきちく目標もくひょうわせた地図ちずになります。

Misaki area | 御崎

Villagers on Ikitsuki Island: “There is a house on the northern cape.”


The kanji “崎(saki)” has the same meaning as “岬(misaki),” which refers to the “terrain where the land protrudes into the sea.”


“Northern cape” may have meant the Misaki area, the north tip of Ikitsuki Island.


Even if not, the cape is in the northern part of the island.


Shiodawara Cliffs | 塩俵の断崖

サムライチャンプルー #24 生死流転 其之壱


“Shiodawara Cliff” is a cliff on the coast of Ikitsuki-chō Ichibe.


It features a rock wall with columnar joints.


Danjiku Sama | だんじく様

『史跡 だんじく様』出典元:ながさき旅ネット

Ikitsuki Island is also known as one of the areas where the Kakure Kirishitan(hidden Christian) faith still exists in its traditional form.


Many islanders became Christians due to missionary activities such as Father Gaspar Vilela.


However, it was severely repressed by the subsequent “Persecution of Christianity” issued by the Edo Bakufu(Shogunate).


Historic sites of martyrdom are preserved throughout the island.


One of the historic sites is a shrine called “Danjiku-sama”.


A Christian parent and child were hiding in a bush of short-height Danjiku (a type of reed) that grows on the cliff to escape persecution.


However, an official who was searching at sea from a ship found a child playing on the beach, and three of them were executed.


After that, a small shrine was built to enshrine three people.


In addition to this, there are many historic sites on the island such as “Sennin-zuka” and “Yashiki-sama”.


* If you would like to know more about Kakure Kirishitan(hidden Christian), please refer to the external link below.

※ かくれキリシタンの史跡しせきついて、もうすこくわしくりたいかたは、下記かき外部がいぶリンクをご参照さんしょうください。

Origin of the place name Ikitsuki | 生月という地名の由来

According to Wikipedia, the name Ikitsuki is derived from the fact that people who returned to Japan from China long ago “take a breather”.

Wikipediaによると、生月いきつきという名前なまえ由来ゆらいは、そのむかし中国ちゅうごくから日本にほん帰国きこくするひとが “ほっとひといきついた” ことからそのいたそうです。

It doesn’t mean that the wanted person “gets there”.

われたひとが “いた” という意味いみではないようですね。

Hirado Island | 平戸島

Hirado Island takes up a large portion of Hirado City.


“Hirado Ohashi” is connected to the mainland of Kyūshū, and “Ikitsuki Ōhashi” is connected to Ikitsuki Island.


Hirado was a castle town thriving with trade since the first Portuguese trade ship entered the port in 1550 until just before the policy of national isolation.


In 1550, the same year as the first arrival of the Portuguese ship, Francis Xavier’s party arrived and conducted Christian (Catholic) missionary activities in Hirado.


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