Saga City is the economic and administrative center of Saga Prefecture. However, Foreign ships are anchored in Karatsu City, but not Saga City.(佐賀市は佐賀県の経済・行政の中心地。ただ、外国船が停泊するのは唐津市。)
Saga City | 佐賀市

サムライチャンプルー #23 一球入魂
In the beginning, Fuu said “We’ve come to Nagasaki Road” and Jin said, “It’s about to reach Saga”.
Judging from the content of the conversation and the atmosphere of the castle town, the stage of episode #23 is “Saga City”.
However, since foreign ships are moored, it cannot be simply said that it is Saga City.
As a possibility, I would like to pick up the port city “Karatsu City” which prospered as a castle town like Saga City in the second half.
Nagasaki Kaidō Road, Saga-shuku | 長崎街道 佐賀宿
Nagasaki Kaidō Road is one of the waki-kaidō roads(side kaidō Roads) that was constructed in the Edo period and has 25 lodging towns.
* Waki-kaidō Road(Side kaidō Road) is a major road other than the Gokaidō(Edo Five Routes).
※ 脇街道とは、五街道以外の主要な街道のことです。

『長崎街道』出典:国土交通省 九州地方整備局 佐賀国道事務所
“Saga-shuku” is the name of the lodging town located on the Nagasaki Kaidō Road in the Edo period.
This is the location where Saga City is currently located.
In 1602, Saga Castle was built there and prospered as a castle town.
* If you would like to know more about Saga Castle, please refer to the external link below.
※ 佐賀城ついて、もう少し詳しく知りたい方は、下記の外部リンクをご参照下さい。
Currently, “Saga City” is the economic and administrative center of Saga Prefecture, which has the largest population in the prefecture.
Kanzaki City | 神埼市

サムライチャンプルー #23 一球入魂
I would like to pick up “Yoshinogari” located in between “Kanzaki” and “Nakabaru”, before “Saga” on Nagasaki Kaidō Road.
* The target on the map is set to Yoshinogari Historical Park.
※ 吉野ケ里歴史公園に的を合わせた地図になります。
The Yoshinogari Ruins | 吉野ヶ里遺跡

“The Yoshinogari Ruins” is the site of a large-scale settlement in the “Yayoi period” in Japan.
The “Yayoi period” is the name of the period from the 10th century BC to the middle of the 3rd century BC.
It is located in Yoshinogari Town, Kanzaki-gun, Saga Prefecture.
佐賀県 神埼郡 吉野 ヶ里町にあります。
A large number of earthenware, stone tools, bronze ware, iron ware, and wood ware have been excavated from the “Yoshinogari Ruins”.
Some of the excavated remains have similarities with mainland China, the Korean Peninsula, and the Nansei Islands.
* If you would like to know more about the Yoshinogari ruins, please refer to the external link below.
※ 吉野ヶ里遺跡ついて、もう少し詳しく知りたい方は、下記の外部リンクをご参照下さい。
So far, I have referred to “Yoshinogari” and “Saga Castle” based on the fact that they are along the Nagasaki Kaidō Road, but there is no port where ships can berth since it’s inland.
Also, if a foreign ship were to berth, it would be the open sea, not the Ariake Sea.
So, it’s off the Nagasaki Kaidō Road, but I would like to refer to “Karatsu” a little.
Karatsu City | 唐津市

サムライチャンプルー #23 一球入魂
This is the opening scene.
* The target on the map is set to Hizen Tateishi Saki Lighthouse.
※ 肥前立石埼灯台に的を合わせた地図になります。
Hizen Tateishizaki Lighthouse | 肥前立石埼灯台

The above picture is “Hizen Tateishizaki Lighthouse” in Yobuko-cho, Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture, which is famous for “Niji no Matsubara”.
“Hizen” means “Hizen Province” and is one of the provinces of Japan under the centralized government system called Ritsuryōsei, and refers to the Saga and Nagasaki prefectures today.
I thought that the coast with columnar joints was similar to the landscape of the scene at the beginning.
Nagoya Castle | 名護屋城
There was a castle called “Nagoya Castle” near here.
** It is a different one from Nagoya Castle in Aichi Prefecture. **
* If you would like to know more about Nagoya Castle, please refer to the external link below.
※ 名護屋城ついて、もう少し詳しく知りたい方は、下記の外部リンクをご参照下さい。
Karatsu Castle | 唐津城
In addition, there was another castle called “Karatsu Castle” in Karatsu City.
The cityscape of Karatsu retains the atmosphere of a castle town.

From the observatory of Karatsu Castle, you can overlook the coastal area of Karatsu Bay.
Karatsu Port | 唐津港
“Karatsu Port” is a port facing the Sea of Japan.
Since ancient times, exchanges with the continent have been active, and the letter “唐(Tang)” in their name 唐津(Karatsu) is said to mean the Chinese continent.
It was opened as a coal shipping port in the latter half of the Edo period.
It prospered as one of the leading trading ports in Japan.
Currently, it is active not only as a distribution base but also as a tourist port where large passenger ships call.