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Ep.#11 Hamamatsu | 浜松

The birthplace of Honda, a large city with headquarters of Yamaha, Kawai and Roland.(ホンダの発祥地であり、ヤマハ、カワイ、ローランドの本社がある大きな都市。)

Hamamatsu | 浜松

サムライチャンプルー #11 堕落天使

“Hamamatsu specialty eel” is written on the banner of the eel stall.


The location of episode #11 is Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture.

だい11舞台ぶたいは、静岡県しずおかけん 浜松市はままつしです。

* The target on the map is set to JR Hamamatsu Station.


Tōkaidō Hamamatsu-juku | 東海道 浜松宿


歌川 広重 画『 五十三次名所図絵 濱松 』

During the Edo period, Hamamatsu belonged to Tōtōmi Province.


Enshū is one of the provinces of Japan under the centralized government system called Ritsuryōsei, another name for Tōtōmi Province, and refers to the west part of Shizuoka prefecture today.


The Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō, “Hamamatsu-juku,” was the largest lodging town throughout Tōtōmi and Suruga province.

東海道とうかいどう五十三次ごじゅうさんつぎ宿場しゅくば 『浜松はままつ宿じゅく』は、遠江とおのえこく駿河するがこくつうじて最大さいだい宿場しゅくばでした。

* A lodging town (relay station) is a town that was set up in the Edo period to handle business such as accommodation and mail on the Gokaidō(Edo Five Routes).

※ 宿場しゅくば宿駅しゅくえき)とは、江戸えど時代じだいに、街道かいどうなどにおいて、宿泊しゅくはく郵便ゆうびんなどの業務ぎょうむあつかうため設定せっていされたまちのことです。

* The Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō refers to 53 lodging towns on the Tōkaidō, one of the Edo Five Routes constructed during the Edo period.

※ 東海道とうかいどう五十三次ごじゅうさんつぎとは、江戸えど時代じだい整備せいびされた街道かいどうひとつで、東海道とうかいどうにある53の宿場しゅくばします。

Gokaidō is Edo Five Routes to the Tokaido, Nakasendo, Nikko Kaido, Oshu Kaido, and Koshu Kaido, which extend from Nihonbashi of Edo in the Edo period.

※ 街道かいどうは、江戸えど時代じだい江戸えど日本橋にほんばし起点きてんびる東海道とうかいどう中山道なかせんどう日光にっこう街道かいどう奥州おうしゅう街道かいどう甲州こうしゅう街道かいどういつつをします。


出典:NHK for School

Hamamatsu City | 浜松市



“Hamamatsu City” is an ordinance-designated city with the largest population in Shizuoka Prefecture.


An ordinance-designated city has a population of 500,000 or more. *


* If appointed, many authorities of prefectures will be transferred to the city.

※ 指定していされた場合ばあい都道府県とどうふけんおおくの権限けんげん移譲いじょうされます。

It is the birthplace of the major transportation equipment manufacturer “Honda” and is one of the leading industrial cities.


It is also a city of musical instruments with the headquarters of “Yamaha,” “Kawai,” and “Roland.”


Lake Hamana is famous for the birthplace of eel farming, which has a history of over 100 years.


As you can see from the Ukiyo-e drawn by Hiroshige Utagawa, eels were already recognized as a specialty of Hamamatsu in the Edo period.


歌川広重 画 『東海道五十三図会 新居宿(あらいしゅく)』

Eel farming began in the Meiji era, so the eels depicted in this Edo period are natural eels.


At Lake Hamana, which is suitable for growing eels, abundant natural eels were caught.


Hamamatsu Castle | 浜松城


“Hamamatsu Castle” is a Japanese castle ruin located in Naka-ku, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture.


Originally, it was a castle named “Hikuma Castle”.


In 1570, Ieyasu Tokugawa entered the castle and was renovated, expanded and renamed to “Hamamatsu Castle”.


In 1873, the parts of the buildings and land of Hamamatsu Castle were sold and progressed the conversion to residential property.


Hamamatsu Castle Park was opened in 1950 and continues to the present day.


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