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[2020] What is “Pray for Nujabes” ? 【令和2年】『Pray for Nujabes』とは

At 7:30 PM on February 26, 2020, Nujabes, who should be in heaven now, hijacked six large visions at the Shibuya scramble crossing. (令和2年2月26日19時30分、いま天国にいる筈のNujabesが渋谷スクランブル交差点大型ヴィジョン6面をジャックした。)

What is “Pray for Nujabes” ? | 『Pray for Nujabes』とは

“Pray for Nujabes” is a 3-minute video work released on February 26, 2020, to commemorate Nujabes’ 10 years anniversary of his departure. And also, “Pray for Nujabes” is the title of the official playlist of 30 songs selected by Tōru Hashimoto (SUBURBIA) released on Spotify the same day in memory of Nujabes.

『Pray for Nujabes』とは、令和2年2月26日に公開された、Nujabes10周忌を追悼するための3分間の映像作品、および同日にSpotifyで公開された、橋本徹(SUBURBIA)氏の選曲による30曲のNujabes10周忌オフィシャル・プレイリストのタイトルです。

In a broader sense, “Pray for Nujabes” refers to a project including a sudden event that took place on February 26, 2020, at 7:30 PM on the 6 large vision screens of the Shibuya scramble crossing in Tokyo, without prior notice.

広義に、『Pray for Nujabes』は令和2年2月26日19時30分に東京・渋谷スクランブル交差点の大型ヴィジョン6面で、事前告知すること無しに行われた突然の出来事を含む企画です。

For the video work, the music video of haruka nakamura’s “Lamp” was edited with additional unreleased footage.

映像作品には、haruka nakamuraの「Lamp」のミュージックビデオを撮影した際に撮られたものが使用されました。

Video Work | 映像作品

Music:Nujabes「Luv (Sic.) Pt2」〜「Luv (Sic.) Pt3」〜「Reflection Eternal」
Video Production:Hydeout Productions
Video Cooperation:haruka nakamura「Lamp」
Creative Director:Tōru Hashimoto (橋本徹(SUBURBIA))
Producer:Daisuke Matsushita (松下大亮)

YouTube / Hydeout Productions

You can see the state of “Shibuya Hijack” by Nujabes from the Instagram and Twitter posts of haruka nakamura and Daisuke Matsushita. #prayfornujabes

「渋谷ジャック」の様子は、haruka nakamura氏、松下大亮氏のインスタ・ツイッター投稿から見ることができます。#prayfornujabes

In addition, a behind-the-scenes production of the video work was revealed by Tōru Hashimoto (SUBURBIA).


Production Background | 制作背景

UNITED ARROWS – green label relaxing

Quoted from Mr. Hashimoto’s serial column on the UNITED ARROWS –green label relaxing website.

ユナイテッドアローズ – green label relaxingのウェブサイト、橋本氏の連載コラムより引用。

In this column, Mr. Hashimoto states that “Pray for Nujabes” has become “one of the irreplaceable memories” for him.

このコラムの中で、橋本氏は『Pray for Nujabes』が自身にとっての「かけがえのない思い出のひとつ」となったと述べています。

It all started with a phone call to Mr. Hashimoto.


It was a phone call from Nujabes’ mother in the afternoon of January 16, 2020.


She told him like “On the day of the 10th anniversary, at the Shibuya scramble crossing, could you help me to play my son’s music so that many people can listen to it?”


Shibuya is the place where Nujabes in his early twenties was about to open a record shop in Udagawa-cho(town), and his mother came over to deliver the things necessary for the shop opening without telling his father, who was opposing it.


Although it felt like a tremendous dream, Mr. Hashimoto first consulted with Mr. Daisuke Matsushita, a DJ friend who works for an advertising agency.


Immediately, they decided to have a meeting with three people including Nujabes’ mother that night.


It soon turned out to be hugely expensive, so they tried to get help from Spotify or Tower Records.


As a result, they were able to get the support of Spotify, and they also could get the cooperation of Tower Records in another way.


In order to avoid confusion, the project proceeded as a “secret project” without prior announcement, as the Shibuya scramble crossing is the most concentrated intersection in Japan.


At this point, it was already February 7, 2020, and the deadline was only 10 days away.


As for the video, he didn’t have time to start from scratch, so he decided to edit a fragment of the video taken when making the “Lamp” music video for haruka nakamura.

映像は、新たに撮影からスタートする時間的余裕はなかったためharuka nakamuraの「Lamp」のミュージックビデオ制作時に撮った映像の断片を編集させてもらうことに。

As for the music, he decided to medley Nujabes’ masterpieces “Luv (Sic.) Pt2”, “Luv (Sic.) Pt3” and “Reflection Eternal” in a DJ mix style.

音楽は、Nujabesの代表作「Luv (Sic.) Pt2」「Luv (Sic.) Pt3」「Reflection Eternal」をDJミックス風にメドレーで合わせることにした。

When a memorial video titled “Pray for Nujabes” flowed all at once from the large screen at the scrambled intersection, he felt really unspeakable.

『Pray for Nujabes』と題した追悼映像が、スクランブル交差点の大きなスクリーンから一斉に流れたときは、本当に言葉にならない思いがこみ上げた。

He was happy that the Nujabes’ mellow and spiritual beats which sink into one’s heart were echoing in the city of Shibuya, and also be able to see people stopping by unexpected events, surrendering themselves to the music and holding their smartphones up.


However, above all, he was emotionally fulfilled together with the relief of successfully completing the mission since Nujabes’ mother was deeply moved by tears and excitement.


–Serial column [Landscape with music] From Vol.94 / 2020.02.29 –

– 連載コラム【音楽のある風景】 Vol.94 / 2020.02.29より –

Spotify Playlist | Spotify プレイリスト

Hydeout Productions Official Playlist Selection by Toru Hashimoto (SUBURBIA)

Spotify / Hydeout Productions

References | 参考

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