- 2020-07-11
- 2021-03-17
[Surmise] The Yellow Pinwheel is the Symbol of Fuu【考察】黄色い風車はフウの象徴
Pinwheel is an item that represents "children", and yellow pinwheel is an item that represents "Fuu".(風車(かざぐるま)は『子供』を、黄色い風車(かざぐるま)は『フウ』を表している。)
Pinwheel is an item that represents "children", and yellow pinwheel is an item that represents "Fuu".(風車(かざぐるま)は『子供』を、黄色い風車(かざぐるま)は『フウ』を表している。)
Tempestuous encounter with two samurai "Mugen" and "Jin" who are perfect in strength but not social status, and "Fu", a teahouse clerk who connects the two who are in conflict.(社会的な地位は伴わない二人の頑強なサムライ『ムゲン』と『ジン』、そして相反するふたりを繋ぐ存在の茶屋店員『フウ』との、疾風怒涛のごとき出会い。)
One of the main character and a component of the idiom "風車(pinwheel/windmill)".(主要キャラクターであり、風車(かざぐるま/ふうしゃ)の熟語を構成しています。)
A two-character idiom and heterophone that means "Pinwheel" in kun-yomi reading and "windmill" in on-yomi reading.(訓読みで『かざぐるま』、音読みで『ふうしゃ』を意味する同形異音語の二字熟語です。)